Shoulder pain is a common reason for people to visit an Osteopath. The shoulder is the most mobile and complex joint we have making it vulnerable to overuse or injury. This mobility can lead to conditions such as frozen shoulder, impingement or rotator cuff injury to name just a few. Poor posture at work, falls or overuse injuries with hobbies or sports are just a few reasons people seek an Osteopath for help with shoulder pain. Osteopathic treatment can help to relieve any stiffness and regain function and strength back after injury.
Neck pain can also be a result of poor posture at work or home, whiplash or overuse from a sport or injury. It is. Shoulder pain can sometimes caused by a referral from the neck so when assessing the area both are taken into account to understand the bio-mechanics.
Rupert will offer a quick and accurate diagnosis of your shoulder or neck pain. He will then discuss with you the best steps to resolve any pain and stiffness. If this the